Research Article
Cultural Heritage Resources and Their Implications for Tourism Development in Cross River State: A Case Study of Yala Local Government Area
Ajoma Simon Okwoche*,
Odey Christopher Lifu
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
30 November 2024
16 December 2024
21 January 2025
Abstract: The objectives of the studies are to identify cultural heritage resources of the Yala people, the potentialities of those identified heritage resources for tourism development and the challenges of these identified cultural heritage resources for tourism development. This research adopted an ethnographic method, which applies qualitative and descriptive approaches. Therefore, the qualitative method adjudged useful for this research is the descriptive qualitative method. This method offers the researcher the opportunity to collect non-numerical information through an in-depth and insightful understanding of cultural resources of Yala LGA. Qualitative approach is not concerned with the number of events but more interested in how and why it happened. The qualitative techniques used are interview guide, and field observation. The study documents cultural heritage resources of the people of Yala Local Government Area with a view to assessing their potentials for Tourism development in Cross River State. The findings reveal cultural heritage such as masquerade, new-yam festival, deities and shrines, and ceremonies. When properly managed, it can be used as community-based tourism, which can also foster unity among communities as well as create employment, and generate income for the local, which can therefore revitalize the community. However the challenges were identified to be theft, bush burning, looting, communal crisis, poor management.
Abstract: The objectives of the studies are to identify cultural heritage resources of the Yala people, the potentialities of those identified heritage resources for tourism development and the challenges of these identified cultural heritage resources for tourism development. This research adopted an ethnographic method, which applies qualitative and descri...
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